54+ data attributes, 

>397 million unified profiles

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Use Case Trait Label API Label Trait Description
B2B Business Email cdpresolution_B2B_business_email Any business email attributed to this record, excluding any previous emails reported as being invalid. Any domain not included in the domain list for personal emails should be considered a business email.
B2B Business Email Validation Status cdpresolution_B2B_business_email_validation_status The validation status of the associated business email
B2B Department cdpresolution_B2B_department Department derived from the job title using the Seniority Clustering / Department mapping model
B2B Direct Phone cdpresolution_B2B_direct_number The unique telephone number that is not mobile that is associated with the b2b email
B2B Title cdpresolution_B2B_job_title The most common current job title attributed to this record
B2B Title Last Updated cdpresolution_B2B_job_title_last_updated This is the Unix timestamp of the last update for the job title.
B2B LinkedIn URL cdpresolution_B2B_linkedin_url LinkedIn URL for the individual
B2B Account Industry cdpresolution_B2B_primary_industry The most occurant industry in the array associated with the firmographic data
B2B Professional Address cdpresolution_B2B_professional_address professional address - could be the same as personal, company or different depending on company structure
B2B Professional Address 2 cdpresolution_B2B_professional_address2 professional address - could be the same as personal, company or different depending on company structure
B2B Professional City cdpresolution_B2B_professional_city professional city - could be the same as personal, company or different depending on company structure
B2B Professional State cdpresolution_B2B_professional_state Address state code (2 letter abbreviation)
B2B Professional Zip cdpresolution_B2B_professional_zip 5 digit Zip Code
B2B Professional Zip +4 cdpresolution_B2B_professional_zip4 Plus 4 of contact ZIP
B2B BusinessEmail(s) Supplement cdpresolution_B2B_programmatic_business_emails This feature is an array of all common business email formats, built from the first_name, last_name, and company_domain fields in the B2B and UP files.
Use Case Trait Label API Label Trait Description
B2B Level cdpresolution_B2B_seniority_level Seniority derived from the job title using the Seniority Clustering / Department mapping model
B2B Work History cdpresolution_B2B_work_history This field is a JSON formatted work history, which when exists, include data for: company name, position, duration, start_time, end_time, job_description, location, and social_url.
B2B - account Account ID cdpresolution_B2B - account_cc_id Unique value for a company id tied to company identifier. This supercedes and replaces the prior company_id field in the IP2C file.
B2B - account Account Address cdpresolution_B2B - account_company_address Physical address of company headquarters
B2B - account Account City cdpresolution_B2B - account_company_city City of company headquarters
B2B - account Account Domain cdpresolution_B2B - account_company_domain
B2B - account Account Employee Range cdpresolution_B2B - account_company_employee_count Employee count range associated with the company. This is defined by counting the records within the data set assocatiated with the company and mapping that count into the denoted range.
B2B - account Account Last Updated cdpresolution_B2B - account_company_last_updated This is the Unix timestamp of the last update for the company_name field in the B2B and Universal Person files. This field records when the contact record was last confirmed at the company. Note: companies may have multiple 'company_last_updated' values, reflecting the last updates across different employees.
B2B - account Accoun t LinkedIn Profile cdpresolution_B2B - account_company_llinkedin_url Corporate LinkedIn URL
B2B - account Account Name cdpresolution_B2B - account_company_name Company name associated to the current job title
B2B - account Account Phone cdpresolution_B2B - account_company_phone General phone number for the company - to a receptionist or default number.
B2B - account Account Revenue Range cdpresolution_B2B - account_company_revenue Revenue range associated with the company. This is derived from the employee count and mapped in accordance with the mapping linked here.
B2B - account Account SIC cdpresolution_B2B - account_company_sic The 4 digit sic code(s) associated with the company
B2B - account Account State cdpresolution_B2B - account_company_state State code of company headquarters
B2B - account Account Zip cdpresolution_B2B - account_company_zip Zip of company headquarters
Use Case Trait Label API Label Trait Description
B2B = business Business Email Last Seen Date cdpresolution_B2B = business_busines_email_last_seen The date (unix) by when an email was last seen as contributed via validation or other verifiable data. null values mean that no data is available
B2B_B2C First Name cdpresolution_B2B_B2C_first_name First name of the record
B2B_B2C Last Name cdpresolution_B2B_B2C_last_name Last name of the records (family name, Sur name)
B2B_B2C Universal Person ID cdpresolution_B2B_B2C_up_id Improved person_id, linking all b2c and b2b data. Will eventually replace person_id
B2C Age Range cdpresolution_B2C_age_range Age range mappping.
B2C Children cdpresolution_B2C_children Are children associated with record? Y/N/Null
B2C Education History cdpresolution_B2C_education_history This field is a JSON formatted education history, which when exists, include data for: degree, description, start_time, end_time, institution_name, and social_url.
B2C Gender cdpresolution_B2C_gender Gender of contact (M/F/U)
B2C Homeowner cdpresolution_B2C_homeowner Probabalistic and deterministic data set to capture home ownership (Yes/Probable). A blank value should be treated as unknown
B2C Income Range cdpresolution_B2C_income_range Income range mapping.
B2C Married cdpresolution_B2C_married Determination if the contact is married (Y). A blank value should be treated as unknown
B2C Mobile Phone cdpresolution_B2C_mobile_phone Mobile number uniquely associated with person, regardless of business or personal association and is also confirm wireless against the FCC portability data
B2C Net Worth cdpresolution_B2C_net_worth Estimate of a households total financial assets minus liabilities. Assets include financial holdings such as deposit accounts, investments, and home value. Liabilities include loans, mortgages, and credit card debt.
B2C Personal Address cdpresolution_B2C_personal_address Personal Address
B2C Personal Address 2 cdpresolution_B2C_personal_address_2 Personal Address 2
Use Case Trait Label API Label Trait Description
B2C Personal City cdpresolution_B2C_personal_city Address city - This is representative of a personal address for the contact
B2C Personal Email cdpresolution_B2C_personal_emails Any personal emails (as defined by domain) attributed to this record, excluding any emails previously reported as invalid.
B2C Personal Email Last Seen Date cdpresolution_B2C_personal_emails_last_seen The date (unix) by when an email was last seen as contributed via validation or other verifiable data. null values mean that no data is available
B2C Personal Email Validation Status cdpresolution_B2C_personal_emails_validation_status The validation status of the associated personal email
B2C Personal Phone cdpresolution_B2C_personal_phone The non-mobile, non business related telephone number of the contact. A personal phone number
B2C Persona State cdpresolution_B2C_personal_state Address state code (2 letter abbreviation).
B2C Personal Zip cdpresolution_B2C_personal_zip 5 digit Zip Code
B2C Personal Zip +4 cdpresolution_B2C_personal_zip4 Plus 4 of contact ZIP
B2C = personal Personal Email(s) Supplement cdpresolution_B2C = personal_additional_personal_emails Any additional personal emails (as defined by domain) attributed to this record, excluding any emails previously reported as invalid. Stored as a comma-separated array.
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